…and a little bit more.

How to Deal with Seagull Problems

Whether you live in a coastal town or in an in-land urban area, seagulls can be a big problem and if they start nesting on your property then it can be pretty unpleasant to deal with. Seagulls love towns and cities because there is always a ready supply of food scraps to keep them happy. […]

Why Bird Spikes are the Best Medicine for Bird Pests

If birds are causing a pest to your home or commercial property then there are few better deterrents than bird spikes. You can use bird spikes on roofs, gutters, ledges, walls and even on top of CCTV cameras – basically anywhere that birds like to congregate! Not only that, they also get the Royal seal […]

What does bird trapping involve?

Bird trapping can be a controversial subject and whilst we utterly condemn any form of illegal bird trapping, the use of bird traps can be an excellent solution for short-term population reduction when used correctly and legally. Bird traps are available in a wide range of designs and can be tailored to specific species such […]

How to deal with Seagull Problems

As more and more seagulls move into towns and cities the capacity for them to cause a nuisance increases. The main reason that seagulls gravitate towards built-up areas is because there is a ready supply of litter and household refuse that they can take advantage of which enables them to feed and rear their young. […]

How to keep problem birds off your roof

Having problem birds consistently perching on your roof can be a real pain for home owners and if you do nothing about it, it can be surprising how much damage they can cause. Your roof has to withstand wind, sleet, snow and rain as it is so the last thing you want is an unruly […]

The Legalities of Bird Control

If your home or business is being pestered by birds and you find that they are causing a massive nuisance it can be tempting to take matters into your own hands however at Total Bird Control we would always advise against this. You don’t want to end up on the wrong side of the law […]

Talk at Local Birmingham School

Pigeon proofing in Birmingham - school talk

We were approached by a local Birmingham school to assist in some careers advice to pupils who attend the school. They were looking for someone to represent our company to provide advice on the type of work we carry out and the different services we can offer Darren Brough our Operations/Health and Safety Manager went […]

Why is Bird Proofing Important?

There is a time and place where you can really appreciate the flight of a bird. In their wild and natural habitat, there is nothing more divine than watching a bird glide fluently threw the air or gazing at a group of birds as they go about their routine. But in and around the workplace, […]

Here For Your Commercial Bird Proofing Needs

It doesn’t take a genius to understand that the commercial world is no place for our feathered friends. Whilst their feathers may glisten against the glare of the sun, the last place you want a bird nesting is on or even in the confines of your corporation. Whilst one of nature’s most elegant creatures, birds […]

Humane Bird Netting For Your Buildings

There is nothing more glorious than witnessing a bird in full flight. The way it soars, dips and weaves seamlessly through the air can’t help but catch your eye and your imagination. But, whilst birds are appreciated in their natural habitat, when they begin to occupy more urban terrain, they can quickly become a nuisance. […]