…and a little bit more.

Is Bird Nesting Impacting on your Business?

February and March is prime time for bird nesting and once birds are established in your commercial building then they can be difficult to get rid of. Nesting birds can cause structural damage to roofing, block your ventilation system, cause problems with your gutters and drainage system and create an unsightly and potentially hazardous mess […]

Getting Rid of Pigeons from Under Solar Panels

With the increase in solar panels being fitted to roofs and with many new builds giving the option of having them installed, bird problems under solar panels is starting to become a real issue. At the moment it appears to be pigeons that are nesting under solar panels the most but other varieties of birds […]

Bird Problems faced in City Areas

Bird Droppings - cleaning up safely

Bird problems in urban areas are a common occurrence and the amount of damage they can cause, public health and safety issues they create and cleaning and maintenance costs they generate can be a big problem. Typical problems can be associated with urban gull and feral pigeon populations. These have increased significantly over the years […]

Humane Bird Control Methods – Bird Trapping

Bird removal and pigeon trapping Great Britain

The use of bird traps can be an excellent solution for short-term bird population reduction when used correctly and legally. It can be a controversial subject but in the hands of bird control specialists it is definitely a humane bird control method that is fully compliant with the bird control law. The main function of […]

Bird Problems on my Balcony, what do I do?

If you live in a property that has a balcony or work in a commercial premises with one, then having problem birds like pigeons or seagulls consistently perching on your balcony can be a real nuisance. If left unattended, they can cause quite a bit of damage and worse still, they may even decide to […]

Bird Control Measures for Healthy Environment

Total Bird Control offers a preventive measures for bird damage to the surroundings. Bird control measures include bird netting, bird Spikes and bird trapping to resolve bird problems. Hire the qualified professionals for a human control measure. For more information, Call or visit us online. Here’s a link to the PDF version. 

How does Bird Netting Work

Birds such as pigeons, seagulls and crows can be a big nuisance when they gather in large numbers. They can create lots of mess, cause damage, carry mites and other bacteria not to mention the noise they make! A good way of combating this problem is through bird netting. Bird netting is made from nylon […]

Pigeon Control Products that Work

pigeon control in the UK

Pigeons can be found in abundance throughout the UK, especially in coastal towns, urban areas and many of our towns and cities. They congregate in urban areas because there is always a good supply of food scraps to keep them happy. Once settled in an area they will breed in large numbers and this is […]

Time for Pigeon Netting to Protect your Home and Garden

Pigeons, when they gather in large numbers, can be a huge nuisance to your home or business property. The noise, the mess they make, the health and safety hazards connected with bird guano and the mites and other bacteria they carry can be a real problem so if you need a pigeon control solution then […]

Smart Ways to Get Relief From Birds

Bird spikes in the UK

Whether it’s pigeons, crows, seagulls or other breeds of wild birds, if they start to cause a nuisance to your home or business property then you will need to find a solution that will deter them without causing them harm. Bird Spikes are the ideal solution to stop birds from roosting and becoming a pest […]